Mulberry trees

Black Mulberry Trees for Sale

The Black Mulberry has been steeped in history for centuries and it’s romantic appeal leads to if often being sought after. As a fruiting tree it has a reputation for being a tree only for the young and patient. This is partly deserved; you have to wait 7-10 years for a tree to become mature enough to fruit. But it’s suprprising how quickly such time passes, and 7 lyears later you will wish you had planted one 7 years ago! And these are such quietly noble and decorative trees, it is well worth palanting one as ornamental value anyway.

For fruiting purposes, the most commonly planted species is Morus nigra – the Large Black Mulberry. It’s fruits are large and loganberry shaped; they should not be harvested until nearly black by which time they will bruise ands crush easily in the hand, which quickly becomes stained deep purple! It’s quite a pleasurable – if messy – task, picking Mulberries! It does not matter if the fruit becomes ‘mauled’ because this only makes it easier for them to be turned into jams and preserves, which is the fruits’ forte. You would never eat a Mulberry fresh because they are too astringent. But add a dollop of sugar and they turn into the most wondrous creation.

Mulberry is handsomely clothed in large deeply lobed leaves. Older specimens also develop a fissued trunk. Soil-wise these aren’t very fussy. Although rather slow, this for once doesn’t equate to difficult; the Mulberry tree is hardy and fairly undemanding. Just offer it some good soil in a reasonably sunny spot. They do not require any pruning and are quite low-maintenance once they’re off.

If you want to reduce the time taken to cropping a bit well, here’s a tip; try growing one in a large 24″ pot. It is often said that such specimens come into bearing more quickly than those afforded the run of the open ground. It has been reported that container grown trees can often yield within 5 years.

Black Mulberry tree

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£ 51.95
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