Doyenne du Comice stepover


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Doyenne du Comice stepover
Bery large and perfectly flavoured fruits which will store; a variety that needs a good situation to perform well.

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Stepover trees are used primarily for edging a border or pathway or to divide the kitchen/vegetable garden. These very tiny trees are just 18” in height with two side laterals from the main stem forming a capital ‘T’ shape. The stepover tree is an ormamental addition to your garden and these trees are grown on the Quince C rootstock. Plant 120-150cm’s apart. Du Comice - raised from the first seed bed in the fruit garden of Comice Horticole, Angers, Department of Maine-et-Loire, France. First fruited in 1849 but did not reach Europe for some years later. Often considered the benchmark in quality and flavour for dessert Pears but needs ideal conditions to produce of it’s best. The trees can be slower coming into fruit than other varieties. Doyenne du Comice stepover Pear Tree – season Doyenne du Comice should be harvested in late October and used from store about a month later, usually keeping until January. Doyenne du Comice Pear – appearance Large to very large, weighty, medium green becoming only slightly yellowish when ripe. Flavour Superb; becomes tender and extra-juicy with the perfect Pear flavour. Doyenne du Comice Pear – Pollination Doyenne du Comice is a triploid variety so needs two others to crop well. Here are some suggested varieties: Beth Improved Fertility Williams Bon Chretien Conference Concorde Invincible

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