Empire stepover tree


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Empire stepover tree
Ideal for those who prefer sweet, mild apples and certainly a stunner with it's predominantly dark red skin. Will store.

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Stepover trees are used primarily for edging a border or pathway or to divide the kitche/vegetable garden. These very tiny trees are just 18” in height with two side laterals from the main stem forming a capital ‘T’ shape. The stepover tree is an ormamental addition to your garden and these trees are grown on the smallest avaailable rootstock, M27. Plant 120-150cm’s apart Empire is an American apple, and very popular there. Raised 1945. Sometimes seen for sale in supermarkets here, a very handsome deeply lacquered red apple. Empire Apple tree – Season: Pick from the tree in early-mid Octrober; will store until January or longer. Empire Apple - appearance: A moderately sized handsome apple almost entirely covered by a dark wine red shiny flush. Empire apple trees – flavour: Very sweet, mild, vinous. Juicy texture crisp at first, becomes softer. Uses: A classic dessert apple. Cropping & Growth Medium vigour, heavily cropping. Empire - Pollination: ‘B’ Pollination group, so use varieties with the same or adjacent pollinating prefixes. Some suggested varieties are listed as follows: Discovery Elstar Bountiful Adams Pearmain Arthur Turner Alkmene

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