Louise Bonne de Jersey pear trees


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Louise Bonne de Jersey pear trees
Nicely coloured and nicely flavouired fruits ripening during the second-early season. Makes a tidy, well foliated tree with nice blossom.

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Second early in season, this popular choice makes an attractive, upright, well foliated tree with fruits nicely coloured.

Louise Bonne de Jersey Pear Tree – season

Mid September to early-mid October. Wait until the fruits have coloured well and will part from the tree easily before picking.

Louise Bonne de Jersey Pear – appearance

Traditional Pear shape, green/yellow smooth skinned and shinyl, the sunny side has a bold vermillion flush.


When eaten at the correct stage is one of the finest Pears of all, tender and divinely sweet & juicy..

Louise Bonne de Jersey Pear – Pollination

This variety belongs to the ‘A’ pollination group so will partner well with others in the same or adjacent groups.

Here are some suggested varieties:



Packhams Triumph

Beurre Hardy


Tree sizes for Louise Bonne de Jersey Pear trees:

Quince C rootstock

Is the most compact stock generally used for Pears. It can be maintained at an easily harvested 180-260cm’s and can be planted around 150-180cm’s apart. Quince ‘C’ is easily the most satisfactory rootstock for garden use and can even be incorporated into a large – say 24” – container and kept on the patio. Such trees may be restricted below the 180cm mark.

Quince A rootstock

Is more vigorous than Quince ‘C’ and is ideal for orchard planting, grassy area’s and the larger border. It will grow to 250-350cm’s and should be planted not less than 250cm’s apart. A heavy cropping tree suitable for most good soils and situations.

out of 28 ratings

AbotimmirtyVof - by AbotimmirtyVof, 2017-08-13 02:08:43

Four to five associated with this liquid must be consumed weekly to find the desired result. However, it is important to have the doctor's opinion first before you take these oral medications as these might have negative side effects around the body.

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