Redsleeves cordon apple


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Redsleeves cordon apple
An excellent early variety with fruits that keeper longer than most other early varieties. Lovely crisply textured rosy red fruits which are small to moderate size, ideal for snacking and lunch boxes.

Superb health record and very frost resistant. Naturally compact and freely spurring tree.

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Cordon Apple trees are a good choice for restricted areas and a fence or wall. They can be grown at a 45degree angle, or upright. The rootstock we use for our cordon Redsleeves is M9 which is the best stock for cordon trees. Plant 60-80cm’s apart.

Redsleeves is an excellent EMRS Kent introduction, 1986 from an un-named scab resistant seedling. Redsleeves is in many ways the perfect garden apple and has been a popular variety. It is naturally small growing, largely disease-free, self fertile and attractive. A good variety for the inexperienced. It is an early ripening rosy red apple.

Redsleeves tree – Season:

Although early [start to pick mid August] has good keeping qualities, especially for an early. Can still be enjoyed at the end of September and sometimes beyond.

Redsleeves – appearance:

Small to medium sized, slightly flattened, rosy red throughout with just a small green-gold base.

Redsleeves apple treesflavour:

Crisp, juicy, sweet and refreshing.


A dessert apple and also good for table decoration.

Cropping & Growth

A small and compact tree with an excellent health record and frost resistant blossom.

Redsleeves - Pollination: This variety is self fertile so needs no pollinating partners and is ideal for the one tree garden or patio. Redsleeves is in pollination group ‘B’ and can act as a good pollinator for varieties in the same or adjacent groups.

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