Van cherry fan trained


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Van cherry fan trained
Masses of gleaming deep red super-tasty cherries on this hardy free cropping oldie...

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Fan trained Cherry trees are used against a wall; you will need not less than 180 x 180cm’s for a fan tree. Please note we do not supply ready trained trees; this Van cherry is a young tree suitable for training yourself, in situ. Such trees usually settle to cropping within 2 or 3 seasons. Dessert Cherries will usually require a sunny south or west facing aspect; the cooking variety ‘Morello’ can be used to utilize a less promising North or East facing aspect.

For picking in late July, the large bright shiny red fruits are temptingly attractive, firm juicy and well flavoured with a classic red-cherry flavour. The trees are less vigorous than many varieties, upright when young and then gently spreading in later years. Attractive when in blossom. Hardy.

Pollination - partner with any of these varieties for the best results:




Amber Heart

Tree sizes for Van cherry trees

Colt is a semi-vigorous tree, ideal for orchard planting, grassy areas, paddock or larger lawn. It can grow to 300cm’s+ in height – and width, but is fairly adaptable and can be controlled It is the best stock for bush growing, fan training, or festooning. More tolerant of poorer soils, although these should always be improved for best results.

Gisele 5 stock This is the revolutionary new dwarfing stock for cherries which has made the cultivation of these delicious fruits on the patio, in containers, or the fruit cage a realistic possibility at last. Gisele 5 is easily maintained at around 180cm’s in height and width, even a little less in a container. This stock is more precocious than the more vigorous older rootstocks. Ideal for bush growing, or as a column, but not really suited to fan training. Best with good soil conditions.

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