Violetta Plum tree


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Violetta Plum tree
Beautiful violet purple egg-shaped fruits may be enjoyed as dessert [or cooked with] at the turn of July and August. Really excellent flavour; a good, hardy and disease resistant tree, this new variety has done very well in trials and has a promising future.

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Violetta is a new North European variety with some very fine attaributes. It is very frost hardy and does not reequire a polinator to produce an abundant crop. Dessert or dual purpose. A very abundant cropper and reliable in all areas.

Violetta plum tree – season

Late July to early August ripening.

Violetta Plum – appearance & flavour

Beautiful, oval dusky violet purple throughout. Inside greenish-yellow, juicy, well flavoured and ideal for all purpose.

Violetta – pollination

No pollinators are required to produce the beautiful fruit.

Tree sizes for Violetta plum tree:

St Julien ‘A’ A vigorous tree mostly used for field and grassy area’s, paddock and orchard. Promotes high yields and makes a good disease-resistant tree suitable for most soils and areas. It will mature to 360cm’s approx with a spread slightly less. Plant 300cm’s apart. Can be grown into half standard or bush form.

Pixy Rootstock Is the only ‘dwarf’ rootstock for Plums. An ideal choice for smaller areas and contained gardens, it is also happy being kept in a 20-24” container [using John Innes no 2 compost] Can be maintained at around 200cm’s although it will grow more without pruning. Space 180-210cm’s apart.

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