Yellow Pershore cordon


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Yellow Pershore cordon
Ideal for bottling and jams, with a super-sweet flavour, when cooked and very juicy too.

Hardy and quite reliable, self fertile so no need for other trees.

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Cordon Plum trees are a good choice for restricted areas and a fence or wall. They can be grown at a 45degree angle, or upright. The rootstock we use for our cordon is Pixy which is the best stock for cordon trees. Plant 60-80cm’s apart. Pershore Yellow is a popular choice for bottling, jams and preserves or pies, this yellow Plum has a mild sweet taste and is generally easy to grow. Pershore Yellow cordon plum tree – season Is ripe mid to late August. Pershore Yellow Plum – appearance & flavour A pretty primrose yellow plum, interior apricot yellow, somewhat dry and flavourless if eaten fresh but cooked transforms itself into juicy golden nectar! Pershore Yellow – pollination Self fertile so will carry a good crop on it’s own.

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