There's nothing like fruit trees to add beauty and value to a residential property. With space to plant several, you're wondering what would be most likely to flourish in your back garden. The fact is there are a number of UK fruit trees that are known to grow well. Consider the following suggestions, and how they fit in with your likes and dislikes.
Generally speaking, citrus fruit trees don't do well during the winter months. The good news is that if you have chosen to use gardening pots for lemon, orange, and fruit trees, you have the option of bringing them inside. While the warmth is good for them, there are still things that you need to do in order to ensure the trees remain healthy.
The decision to buy an apricot tree and maybe some other fruit trees was a good one. Now you want to make sure that the trees have a chance to mature and eventually bear fruit. For that to happen, they need to make it through the winter. With fruit trees, it's not a matter of leaving them as-is and hoping for the best. There are specific steps you can take to prepare those trees for the winter and ensure that they don't sustain damage during the cold weather. Here are some basic tips that will help you handle the preparation for just about any type of fruit tree.